Thursday, December 6, 2012

Remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird.

It is hard to believe how much life changes from day to day. I think these are the most important years of our lives. I thought I figured myself out at 18, but I don't think I know myself at all. I am re-reading To Kill a Mockingbird for the first time since 7th grade. I was too young to understand, so maybe this time around I will really feel it.

Last friday Brent and I went on quite the escapade to find spring water in Ogden Valley. We drove 40 minutes up a secluded road in the mountains in the dead of night, with terrible instructions from my roommate. We finally found it. We had to cross several sketchy wooden bridges to find it. You should have seen the random assortment of containers we had to fill. We were ill-equipped for the journey, only taking my cell phone for light, backpack filled with containers, and of course our expensive camera. I fell through wooden slats, got at least a dozen burrs caught in my hair, slipped up and down the mountain, and froze my tosies off. Was it worth it? Let me tell you, it is the most delicious water I have ever had in my life.

Also, I decided I am going to adopt a kitten. Or a 2 year old siamese named Roger. We went to the shelter yesterday, and I cried tears of sorrow. Seeing animals like that breaks my heart. I think I might start volunteering next semester.

Happy day!