Saturday, August 13, 2011

Walking on a Dream

Okay, so alot of things have happened since my last post, so I am going to make everything short and sweet.

1. Last week I hiked the Narrows with my dad, his friend, and my bud Caleb. 15 miles hiking on the equivelent of greased bowling balls. I found out I am a fantastic mulit-tasker, be it shuffling down the side of a mountain to party rock while eating beef jerky and caramel (Ew) or changing my clothes while driving with my knees and eating a sub sandwich. Honestly, I don't know how I am still alive. Regardless, it was a beautiful experience.

2. Said goodbye to my wonderful friends. We went late night camping at pine valley, and threw Shay a lovely birthday party. I am going to miss them so much. Also, I my last goodbye was with the person I needed to see the most. The exact same person to see me off to college last year. I knew I wouldn't be able to leave without seeing him one last time. Love does funny things to you, even after a year has past. 

3. Moved back home. I moved back to Ogden thursday morning, just in time to rush over to Bright Eyes with my friend Joey. Conor Oberst is now, and forever my idol. My life motto "I really just want to be a warm yellow light that pours over everyone I love." comes from him. He is a demi-god in my eyes. So that was nothing short of fantastic.

4. Working at my new job. I am lucky enough to work on Weber States campus at the Jamba Juice. The hours have been grueling though, today and yesterday I have worked 9-5, and I work the same shifts tomorrow, monday, wednesday. Wouldn't be so bad if it was tedious training. Can't wait to start testing smoothies :) I love being home, taking care of my cute little house, having responsibilities, and I look forward to seeing my Canadian friends again. You know, life is just pretty great.

I am sorry, this was neither short nor sweet. 

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