Sunday, April 24, 2011

I guess thats why they call it the blues.

Okay, so before I go on a long, sad tangent, here is an adorable picture. 

It is 6:22 a.m. and Brent just left for Canada. He will be gone for 4 months. 116 days, to be precise. 1/3 of a year. Considering how the most I've gone without seeing him the past 6 months is about 4 days, I think I just might die from withdraws.

I may have to take up his offer to be a lifeguard at his little towns pool and live with his family this summer. It seems like a shame to wish the summer away, but I can't possibly imagine thoroughly enjoying my days without him. As my post title song goes: "Time on my hands, could be time spent with you." Perfectly describes my feelings. Although I doubt there is such a thing as a good good-bye, I think we managed to find some solace in this sad situation. 

I think the thing greater than telling someone you love them, is showing someone you love them. I always tell people that everyone seems to think they have a purpose; to be a teacher, a doctor, a missionary, a thespian, what have you. To spread the word of peace, of hope, of love. You know, everyone has a purpose. I figured that my actions would be nothing but a blip on the radar compared to the world, but I always figured that the best I could do in my life is to share it with others. If everyone devoted their life and love to 5 people, then there would be no sorrow, no suicide, no pain; just transcendent love. Okay, thats unrealistic, but its my dream. So, I think the best I can do with my life isn't to make inordinate amounts of money, but to pour my love into another person. I almost believe that people are only half of themselves, and that someone else is meant to fill in all the missing pieces. That is why we search so hard for love, and esteem it so highly.

Back to the nitty gritty. In few words, I miss Brent already. When you invest so much in another person, its almost as if you take some of their life in return. I guess I can find comfort knowing that we are carrying each other wherever we go. 

So that is enough of my sickeningly emotional rant, happy easter everyone! By the way, no matter what your parents may tell you, 19 is a perfectly acceptable age for an easter egg hunt.

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